Part Library Tour
Use Shortcut P to navigate to the Part Library.

This view displays parts as tiles with each tile displaying part-picture with a few basic part properties like name, size, material, thickness etc.
The tile also displays tooling status of the part for the available factory machines.
The view refreshes automatically with the live data, however you can also force a refresh by pressing F5.
Parts can be searched by Part-Name and Material via Search box. To search parts, click inside the search-box (or use shortcut Ctrl+F) and type-in the text. Praxis updates the list with parts with name of material matching the search-text. Pressing Esc, while search-box has the keyboard focus, resets the search text.
If the list contains more item than what can fit on the page, use mouse-wheel to scroll down the content.
Double clicking a tile or pressing Enter after selecting a tile changes the view into the details.